To configure the behavior of the application in case of a
missing Content Control, complete the following steps:
- From the %Composerdir% directory, open Composer.MWS.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
Search for
the line that begins as follows:
<mws systemoid=
Add the throw_error_on_missing_content_control attribute
within the mws element.
- To finish document generation with an error message when a Content Control of a text block variable is missing, set the value to True.
- To trace a warning message and continue document generation when a Content Control of a text block variable is missing, set the value to False.
<mws systemoid="TestSystem" dbalias="MWS" process="MWS_Standard" client_runtime_mode="False" protect_document="False" throw_error_on_missing_content_control=True>
Note: The default value is True. - Save and close the file.