Enabling HTTP for the MWS REST API Communication Channel - Installation - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Installation

Content Composer
Foundation 23.2
To enable HTTP, complete the following steps on the Content Composer server:
Note: For security reasons, we recommend the use of HTTPS.
  1. From the Content Composer installation directory, open Composer.MWS.exe.config with a text editor that supports UTF-8.
  2. Find the following line within the <runtimeservices> element and uncomment it.
    <service name="mwswebapi" assembly="ModusSuite.Runtime.MWSRuntimeService" type="ModusSuite.Runtime.MwsRuntimeServiceWebApi" />
    Note: If the line is not present, insert it within the <runtimeservices> element.
  3. Insert the following line within the <appSettings> element if it is not already present.
    <add key="manVarResultXmlElementType" value="manvar2" />
  4. To configure the MWS REST API, complete the following substeps:
    1. Find the following line.
      <mwswebapi ipport="9010" enablessl="true" allowedorigins="*" alivetimeouthour="100" />
    2. Set the value of the enablessl attribute to false.
      <mwswebapi ipport="9010" enablessl="false" allowedorigins="*" alivetimeouthour="100" />
  5. To reserve the URL endpoint for non-administrator users and accounts, complete the following substeps:
    1. Identify the Windows user account that is configured to execute the Windows service Composer.MWS.
    2. Open a Command Prompt window with Administrator rights.
    3. To reserve the MWS URL, run the following command. Replace Windows-user-account before with the user account used to run the Windows Composer.MWS service.
      netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:9010/ user=Windows-useraccount
  6. Restart all Content Composer services.