Finishing a Communication - Web Client - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Web Client

Content Composer
Web Client
Foundation 23.2

To be able to finish a communication, the user must possess the right Print and Archive (24).

Note: The Finish button corresponds to the Print and Archive button in Content Composer Client.

To finish a communication and send it to the output channel:

  1. From the Communications pane, select the communication you want to finish.
  2. In the lower-right corner, click Finish.
    If Print Time is set to Local, the Local Print dialog box is displayed. Select a printer from the Available Printers list, optionally select a tray from the Trays list and then click Print. The documents are sent to the local printer.
The Web Client generates the documents and sends the communication to the output channel.