Changing the Locale Settings - Web Client - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - Content Composer - external

Content Composer Web Client

Content Composer
Web Client
Foundation 24.1
  1. To use the calendar format according to the locale of the browser you are using:
    1. From the user menu in the upper-right corner, select Settings.
      The Settings pane is displayed.
    2. Select Locale Settings.
      The Locale Settings pane is displayed.
    3. Select Use Browser Locale for Calendar Settings.
  2. To use the numeric field formatting according to the locale of the browser you are using:
    1. From the user menu in the upper-right corner, select Settings.
      The Settings pane is displayed.
    2. Select Locale Settings.
      The Locale Settings pane is displayed.
    3. Select Use Browser Locale for Decimal Separator Formatting of Numeric Fields.