CREATE_FOLDER - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The CREATE_FOLDER action is used to create a new folder in the ACS repository.

The input parameters for CREATE_FOLDER are:

Parameter Type Required Description
autorename Boolean Optional If true, then a name conflict will cause an attempt to auto rename by finding a unique name using an integer suffix.
folderName String Required Name of the folder to be created.
targetFolder Array<json> Optional Folder in which to store the result created. If the received value contains multiple references to folders, only the first of them will be used.
targetFolderId String Optional The nodeId of the folder to store the record in. For example 775a8f2d-8123-49a7-ae1f-f3f49d4eae20.
targetFolderMetadata JSON Optional Metadata to be set to the folder in ACS. Metadata is a JSON object that contains key-value pairs, each of them holding a property name (for example, cm:title) and a property value (for example, Introduction to AWS).
targetFolderPath String Optional The location path or relative path of the folder to store the record in. For example, a location path: /app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:hruser and a relative path: /User Homes/hruser.
targetFolderType String Optional ACS content type of the folder to be stored in ACS, for example fin:account. By default, cm:folder.
underscoreMetadata Boolean Optional If underscoreMetadata is true, the received prefixed properties names contain underscore (_) instead of colon (:) for separating the namespace prefix from the property name. E.g. 'cm_title' instead of 'cm:title'.

The output parameters from CREATE_FOLDER are:

Parameter Type Required Description
response Array<json> Optional Response for the calls.
folder Array<json> Optional A list of ACS nodes containing just one element corresponding to the created folder.