Task Triggers - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Task triggers can be fired when an action is done in relation to tasks, for example a task is assigned, created, updated or completed.

Specific details of when the trigger is fired. The configuration parameters are:

Parameter Definition
condition A detailed condition for firing the trigger, created using the Condition Builder. For more details on conditions available as a part of the input values, see Creating Conditions.
name Task name as configured in the application, for example Set document metadata.
status Task status within the process, for example CREATED.
owner Username of the task owner, for example MyUsername.
assignee Username of the task assignee, for example MyUsername.
priority Priority of the task, for example 1.
formKey Key of the form associated to the task, for example form-17ed2ac0-a96c-494e-aed4-48455f469331.
businessKey If exists, a business key associated to the process instance, for example Customer Review Process.
taskDefinitionKey Task definition key as defined in the application, for example Activity_102rnv9.
standalone Boolean value of whether the task is standalone (true) or not (false). A standalone task means that the task can be executed by the engine itself, without creating a separate process for it.