Task triggers can be fired when an action is done in relation to tasks, for example a task is assigned, created, updated or completed.
Specific details of when the trigger is fired. The configuration parameters are:
Parameter | Definition |
condition | A detailed condition for firing the trigger, created using the Condition Builder. For more details on conditions available as a part of the input values, see Creating Conditions. |
name | Task name as configured in the application, for example Set document metadata. |
status | Task status within the process, for example CREATED. |
owner | Username of the task owner, for example MyUsername. |
assignee | Username of the task assignee, for example MyUsername. |
priority | Priority of the task, for example 1. |
formKey | Key of the form associated to the task, for example form-17ed2ac0-a96c-494e-aed4-48455f469331. |
businessKey | If exists, a business key associated to the process instance, for example Customer Review Process. |
taskDefinitionKey | Task definition key as defined in the application, for example Activity_102rnv9. |
standalone | Boolean value of whether the task is standalone (true) or not (false). A standalone task means that the task can be executed by the engine itself, without creating a separate process for it. |