Property Mapping - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Parameters provided during a task execution can be mapped into a single variable, using property mapping. The access to this feature is the same as to the mapping of the process variables, however when it is available, next to the Process variable, a Property mapping tab appears.

The property mapping is set in the Expression Editor using the JSON format and autocomplete functions.

Thanks to this feature, the number of process variables can be limited and maintenance of the process is easier.

An example of usage of this feature would be:

As a process designer, you want to keep your variables simple, but you want to save the data of end users who fill in the form. Instead of creating multiple variables, such as: Person, Country, City; you can take advantage of creating a customized data model for a person with the following attributes: Name, Country, City (see Creating Data Models). This data model can then be used in Variable mapping as a Variable type that is going to collect data enered into the form by the end user. The Property Mapping tab has to follow this structure for each of the mapped properties:


In this example, to map the Name attribute, its:


The same structure has to be followed for other attributes, these are Country and City.

In this example, 1 process variable replaces 3, using the attributes. However, there is no limit of attributes that can be mapped in this way.