Configuration - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Teams Connector Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters for the Teams connector are:

Parameter Required Description
TEAMS_CLIENT_ID Required The client identifier to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_CLIENT_SECRET Required The client secret to be used for authentication.
TEAMS_USERNAME Required The MS Teams user to impersonate in the connector.
TEAMS_SCOPE   The scopes requested by the connector in the Teams instance OAuth protocol.
TEAMS_TENANT   The Teams tenant to be used by the connector.

Teams Connector Errors

The possible errors that can be handled by the Teams connector are:

Error Description
MISSING_INPUT A mandatory input variable was not provided.
INVALID_INPUT The input variable has an invalid type.
INVALID_REQUEST An invalid request is received.
UNKNOWN_ERROR An unexpected error occurred during the execution of the action.