Using Form Editor - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The Form Editor is the default interface for modeling forms.

Using the Form Editor, you can:

  • Drag and drop form widgets from the palette on the left onto the form designer in the middle. The widgets are used to interact with various parts of the project or use other form functions.

    For more information, see Form Widgets.

    You can expand and collapse the palette in the Form Editor to see names of form field groups or hide them.

  • Add and remove form tabs, using the Add tab button at the top of the designer.

    The tabs are used to logically divide contents of the form into new tabs, shown at the top of the form. Visibility conditions can also be set on each tab to show or hide them based on values entered into the form.

  • Add outcomes, using the Add outcome button at the bottom of the window.

    Outcomes are custom buttons that can be added for users to click to complete a form, for example Agree and Disagree. Use the Add outcome button to add additional outcomes.

  • Decide whether the form submission should be preceded by a confirmation message, using the Confirmation message prior to form submission toggle.
  • Decide whether the form can be used with tasks that are not a part of the process, using the Allow form the be used in standalone tasks checkbox.
  • Decide if the widget labels should be displayed above (default) or left of the widgets, using the Set left label for fields checkbox.
  • Change the form display mode, using the Form display mode drop-down menu.

    The following options are available:

    Form Display Mode Description
    Default The form is displayed as a standard part of the application, inclduing the UI.
    Display the form in full screen when opened The form is displayed without any additional UI elements, taking the full screen size to support the user and help them focus.