Properties - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

All engine events have a common set of properties describing the service they are using and a common set of properties describing the event.

The service properties are:

Property Description
appName The name of the application, for example: finance-application
appVersion The version number of the application, for example: 3
serviceName The name of the service in the application, for example: rb-finance-application
serviceFullName The full name of the service in the application. This is the same as serviceName.
serviceType The type of service, for example: runtime-bundle
serviceVersion The version of the service
messageId The ID of the message that carried the event. All events that are part of the same transaction are aggregated into the same message.
sequenceNumber The sequence index of an event within a message
entityId The ID of an entity included in a message

The event properties are:

Property Description
id The event ID
entity The entity included in the message
timestamp The timestamp of the event
eventType The type of event
processInstanceId The process instance ID
parentProcessInstanceId The parent process instance ID (if one exists)
processDefinitionId The process definition ID
processDefinitionKey The process definition key
processDefinitionVersion The version of the process definition
businessKey The business key associated to the process instance (if one exists)