Properties - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Basic properties

The basic properties for a user task are:

Property Required Description
ID Required The unique identifier for the user task. This is system generated and cannot be altered, for example: UserTask_0w526j8
Name Optional The name of the user task. This will be displayed on the canvas.
Description Optional

A free text description of what the user task does.

The description can be made dynamic by writing an expression, for example: ${workflowType} for ${dealNumber} Closing Coordinator Task - Review Document. In the Digital Workspace and the Admin app, the expression is dynamically rendered as a user-friendly task description. For example, the previous expression might render as: Commitment and Policy for DEA1235385 Closing Coordinator Task - Review Document.


The users or groups that are able to complete a task. A single user can be assigned or candidates can be set. Candidates are a list of users or groups that may claim a task at runtime. A single user or candidates must be set for a user task.

A single assignee is set in the XML attribute activiti:assignee and candidates in the attribute activiti:candidateGroups. On the Task Assignment window use the dropdown menu on the top right to set if the assignment is for a single user or for candidates. If for candidates, from the Assignment type drop-down list, select either Sequential or Manual assignment types. Assigning a task manually means a user is assigned the task by another user or themselves. Assigning tasks sequentially means tasks are assigned automatically in a ‘round-robin’ scenario.

Users and groups can be set from three different sources:

  • Static values are a free text field that has no validation as to whether a user exists or not. The text entered will require an exact match to a username in the product environment for the user task to be correctly assigned at runtime.

  • Identity allows for users and groups to be searched for and selected for the assignment. The users and groups must exist whilst modeling to display in this list.

  • Expression allows for an expression using process variables to be used to select users and groups for the assignment. Expressions can be a simple process variable such as ${userToAssign} or an expression such as ${userDetails.username} that uses a process variable of type JSON. A JSON editor is provided for creating expressions for assignment, however the editor will only be displayed if there are process variables in the process.


The value "assignee": "${initiator}" can be set as an expression without creating a process variable. This will assign the task to the user that started the process instance.

The assignments for user tasks are stored in the assignments property of the Extensions Editor.


Users and groups that are selected as assignees or candidates in a user task are automatically added as users when deploying an application if they are set using the static or identity options. Setting an assignee or candidate using the expression source will require the potential users or groups to be manually assigned users when deploying an application.

Due date

An optional date and time for a user task to be completed by in ISO 8601 format. There are three different ways of adding a due date:

  • Select Use static date then choose the time and date using the date picker.

  • Select Use time duration then enter a time in Months, Days, Hours, and Minutes.

  • Select Use process variable then choose a process variable from the dropdown list. This option uses a process variable that must use the type datetime.

Checking the Use process variable box for due date allows a process variable to be used to generate the date. The process variable must be of type datetime.

Multi-instance type

Script tasks can be set to repeat sequentially or in parallel when the process flow reaches them.


An optional priority for the user task between 0 and 4. The priority property is to aid end users in their task management.

Form name

A form can be assigned to the user task. The form must exist within the same project as the process definition to be selected. Select a form from the drop-down list, or create a new form using the + symbol.

Once a form has been selected, it can be edited using the Open Form symbol.

Mapping type

The mapping type sets how data is passed between the user task and the process. There are five options for sending this data. The default value is Send no variables.