Expression Editor - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The expression editor is a code editor that provides autocompletion and hints when writing an expression that may contain a JUEL expression. In the expression editor you can test JUEL expressions by first setting the values of variables and then once the expression has been created it can be tested by clicking the Test button. The result is displayed in the gray area above the variables. The expression editor appears in the following places:

  • Task mapping dialog: when selecting an expression as a variable value
  • Variable drop-down selector: when using the dollar button
  • User task assignment dialog
  • Called element dialog: when using an expression to resolve the called element
  • In the email template dialog: when setting the template for the email used in user tasks
  • In the condition builder
  • When setting the value of a JSON variable

Click the green button to expand the modal dialog to be full size.

Note: The green button only displays if the expression editor has been configured for it to show.