Update a Calendar Event - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The updateTeamsEventCalendar action retrieves calendar event information for a specific calendar event in the Outlook calendar.

The input parameters to update an event are:

Parameter Type Required Description
subject String Required Subject of the calendar event
text String Required Body of the calendar event
startDate DateTime Required Start Date / Time of the event
minutes Integer Required Duration in minutes of the event
endDate DateTime Required End Date / Time of the event
attendees Array<string> Required List of attendees email addresses
location String Optional Location of the event
timeZone String Required Timezone of the event. In general, the timeZone property can be set to any of the time zones supported by Microsoft Windows as well as the additional time zones supported by the calendar API. Set to GMT Standard Time by default.

The input parameter used to update an event is:

Parameter Type Required Description
result JSON Required Response with the identifier returned by the Teams API