Update Binary Content Task - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The Update binary content task is used to update the content by creating a new version of it.

A binary content in this application means the contents of a file, instead of a folder. This means that this task cannot be used to update contents of a folder.

The Action for this task is UPDATE_BINARY_CONTENT.

The Update binary content input parameters are:

Parameter Type Required Description
sourceContent content Requires one input source

Reference to the content object containing a source of new binary content to be attached to the target content, for example: 775a8f2d-8123-49a7-ae1f-f3f49d4eae20

sourceJSON JSON Source of new binary content to be attached to the target content, in JSON format
sourceText string Source of new binary content to be attached to the target content, described as a block of text
targetContent content Requires one target Reference to the content object where the binary content is to be updated, for example: 775a8f2d-8123-49a7-ae1f-f3f49d4eae20

The Update binary content output parameters are:

Parameter Type Required Description
content content Optional Resulting content object after updating the binary content