Creating Renditions - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

You can create renditions in Automate Modeling.

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application and open the project you want to work with.
  2. Select how to create the rendition:
    • Click New > Create > Rendition.
    • Click the vertical ellipsis button next to the Renditions drop-down menu in the left-hand pane, then select Create.

    You can also upload a JSON file with the rendition. For more instructions, see Uploading Project Elements.

    The Create Rendition window is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the rendition in the Rendition name field.
  4. Enter an optional description in the Rendition description field.
  5. Click Create Rendition.
    The rendition is added to the pane on the right and its settings are displayed.

    By default, renditions are edited in the Rendition Editor. You can change the editor any time to the JSON Editor, following instructions in Choosing an Editor.

  6. Select the Rendition configuration, usign the drop-down menu. Select one of the options:
    • smallThumbnail, which is used for Target Mime Type of image/jpeg. This rendition shows a small thumbnail preview of an image.
    • imagePreview, which is used for Target Mime Type of image/jpeg. This rendition shows a bigger preview of an image.
    • pdfPreview, which is used for Target Mime Type of application/pdf. This rendition shows a preview of a PDF file.
    The Target Mime Type field is filled automatically, depending on the selected configuration.
  7. Select detailed options of the rendition.
  8. You can validate the rendition, using the tick icon (Validate Rendition) from the top bar.
    If the rendition is valid, a small blue window reading Rendition is valid is displayed at the bottom of the sreen.
The rendition is saved automatically. You can make sure that the most recent changes are saved, using the cloud icon (Save Rendition button) from the top pane.