Using References in Data Models - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

You can also use references when constructing your data model. Using the person data model from Creating Data Models for a Specific Process as an example, you can use reuse the defined reference in several properties of the data model. For example, a reference called ID (which could be an employee ID number), and might be constructed of a user name, and position could be reused in numerous properties. A reference cannot be used in other data models.

To use references in a data model:

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application, select a project, and open an existing data model.
    For this example, the person data model created in Creating Data Models for a Specific Process is used.
  2. To add a reference, click the + icon below the data model as shown in the following figure.
    Note: Do not click the upper + icon, which is for adding properties to the data model.
  3. In the row that appears, do the following:
    1. In the first field, enter ID as the name.
    2. From the Type dropdown list, select object.
    3. Enter a meaningful Title, such as ID number.
  4. Click the + icon again to add another row to the references. Enter the following values:
    Parameter Value
    Name Username
    Type object
    Title Username
  5. To create a new data model property, click the + icon near the top of the interface.
    Note: Do not click the lower + icon, which is for creating references.
  6. Enter a Name for the new row and then select the Required check box.
  7. From the Type dropdown list, select ref under the composition heading.
  8. From the second Type drop-down list that appears, select the references block you want to use and then click Save.