Creating Conditions - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The condition builder is a tool that helps you build a JUEL expression for a condition. The condition is composed of a set of Boolean statement(s) that are linked by an operator. This means the condition to be created is a statement evaluated as a Boolean value.

The created condition follows the structure: <left-statement> <operator> <right-statement>, which you can fill in using the user interface, or write your own expression.

To create a new condition:

  1. Under Input values, select the + icon on the right.
    A Condition window is displayed.
  2. Select the Variables or Expression tab from the left pane. The Expression Editor is used for the purpose of writing expressions. For further details on using it, see Expression Editor.
  3. Select the left part of the statement, using the left pane. You can select one of the available variables or a JUEL expression. Switching between variable and JUEL expression can be done using the tabs at the top of the left side.
  4. Select one of the comparative operators from the middle of the window.

    The available operators are:

    • Equals
    • Not equals
    • Greater than
    • Greater or equals than
    • Less than
    • Less or equals than
    • Not set
    Note: The Not set operator means that the expression is a single statement expression which means no right-statement is needed.
  5. The right-statement can be one of the available variables, a JUEL expression, or a value if the left-statement is a variable value. Select Variables, Value, or Expression tab from the right pane. The Expression Editor is used for the purpose of writing expressions. For further details on using it, see Expression Editor.
  6. Select a particular variable or enter the expression which will be used as the comparison in the condition.
  7. Once you're done, click Save.
    A new row with your condition is displayed under the Condition section.
  8. If you want to change your conditions:
    • To add an additional condition, select the + icon on the right.
    • To remove one of the conditions, select the - on the right.
    • To edit contents of the condition, click on the row with the condition.
  9. Optionally, you can click on the Every default condition firing setting to display other possible options. These include:
    Option Description
    Every All statements must be true for the condition to be evaluated as true.
    At least one The condition will be evaluated to be true when one or more of the statements are true.
    None If all the statements are false, then the condition will be evaluated to be true.
    Note: The operator between statements is the same for all the statements.
    Select the desired option and click it.
The trigger parameters are saved automatically in the cloud environment. Once you're done with the settings, the condition can be used in the process.