MariaDB Errors - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The possible errors that can be handled by the MariaDB connector are:

Error Description
MISSING_INPUT A mandatory input variable was not provided.
INVALID_INPUT The input variable has an invalid type.
DATA_ACCESS_ERROR Unable to access data.
DATA_INTEGRITY_VIOLATION_ERROR Data integrity violation error occurs when performing database operation.
CONNECTION_ERROR Cannot connect to a database instance.
SQL_GRAMMAR_ERROR Invalid syntax error.
DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR Duplicate key error occurs when performing database operation.
OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_ERROR Optimistic error occurs when performing database operation.
DEAD_LOCK_ERROR Deadlock error occurs when performing database operation.
PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR Lack of permission to the resource and method requested.
UNKNOWN_ERROR Unexpected runtime error.