SELECT_FOLDER - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The SELECT_FOLDER action is used to select a folder and store it in a variable.

The input parameters for SELECT_FOLDER are:

Parameter Type Required Description
folder Array<json>, JSON Optional ACS folder to be selected. If the received value contains multiple references to folders, only the first of them will be used.
nodeId String Optional Node ID of the file or folder in ACS. Example: a6a977a6-c728-4038-8dbc-d914c4d8cfb3.
path String Optional The location path or relative path of the selected file. For example, a location path: /app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:hruser and a relative path: /User Homes/hruser.
searchMaxItems Integer Optional Maximum number of items to be returned by the search query. By default, results are limited to 100.
searchQuery String Optional Search query, in AFTS format, to find the resource. For rexample, cm:title:test.
searchSkipCount Integer Optional Number of items to be skipped before returning the search result. By default, it is set to 0.

The output parameters from SELECT_FOLDER are:

Parameter Type Required Description
response Array<json> Optional Response for the calls.
folder Array<json> Optional A list of ACS nodes containing the elements that match the searching criteria.