- Log into the DocuSign eSignature console and click Settings on the top right.
- From the ADD CONFIGURATION drop-down list, select Custom.
- Under Listener Settings, select Active Connection from the Status drop-down list.
Under Listener Settings, enter your URL to
The pattern of the URL must follow: {domain-name}/{application-name}/connector/{connector_name}/listener
- Under Event Settings, select Aggregate from the Event Message Delivery Mode drop-down list.
Under Event settings > Trigger events > Envelope Events, ensure the following are selected:
- Envelope Sent
- Envelope Delivered
- Envelope Signed/Completed
- Envelope Declined
- Envelope Voided
Under Event settings > Trigger events > Recipient Events, ensure the following are selected:
- Recipient Sent
- Recipient Auto Responded
- Recipient Delivered
- Recipient Signed/Completed
- Recipient Declined
- Recipient Authentication Failure