Attach File - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Attach file fields are used so that form fillers can upload files with their submission.

The advanced properties for an Attach file field are:

Property Description
Allow multiple file attachments Checking this box will allow for more than one file to be uploaded.
File source Sets the location where files can be attached or uploaded from. Content repository allows uploads from a Hyland Content instance only, while Local machine allows uploads from the local workstation of the form filler. Both types of sources can be selected at the same time, but at least one is required.
Default folder path type Defines the path type that will be used as a default folder that is opened when a user uploads the file. The available options are:
  • Static Path. A static path that refers to a directory directly and is not changed by any variable. It is defined in the Default folder field, using a relative path to a folder in the repository. For example, /Home/HR/Applications.
  • Content variable. A dynamic path that is changed basing on the content form variable. If you want to use this option, you need to create a content form variable first, then that variable can be selected from the Variable drop-down menu. For more information, see Creating Form Variables.
  • String variable. A dynamic path that is changed basing on the string form variable, then this variable can be selected from the Variable drop-down menu. If you want to use this option, you need to create a string form variable first. For more information, see Creating Form Variables.
Display show file option Checking this box will allow the form filler to view uploaded files.
Display download file option Checking this box will allow the form filler to download any uploaded files.
Display remove file option Checking this box will allow the form filler to remove uploaded files from the form.

You can use the Edit Visibility Conditions button to decide when the field is visible or hidden.