DECLARE_RECORD - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The DECLARE_RECORD action is used to declare a file as a record.

The input parameters for DECLARE_RECORD are:

Parameter Type Required Description
file Array<json>, JSON Optional ACS file to be declared as record. If the received value contains multiple files, only the first of them will be processed.
fileId String Optional The nodeId of the file to declare as a record. For example 775a8f2d-8123-49a7-ae1f-f3f49d4eae20.
filePath String Optional The location path or relative path of the file to declare as a record. For example, a location path: /app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:hruser and a relative path: /User Homes/hruser.
hideRecord Boolean Optional Set whether the record is hidden from its current parent folder, for example true.
targetFolder Array<json> Optional A variable of type folder to store the record in.
targetFolderId String Optional The nodeId of the folder to store the record in. For example 775a8f2d-8123-49a7-ae1f-f3f49d4eae20.
targetFolderPath String Optional The location path or relative path of the folder to store the record in. For example, a location path: /app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:hruser and a relative path: /User Homes/hruser.

The output parameters from DECLARE_RECORD are:

Parameter Type Required Description
response Array<json> Optional Response for the calls.