Auditing - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

When an event action is performed you will find an entry in the Audit service, the information visible depends on the Action type.

Action type Event type Description
Event USER_ACTION_NAMED_EVENT This event is sent from the form runtime and provides information about the user action, such as the name of the interface in which the action was performed, the name of the event and the nodes selected when the action was performed.
Form USER_ACTION_FORM_SUBMITTED This event is sent from the form runtime and provides information about the form submitted from the user action, such as the name of the interface in which the action was performed, id of the submitted form, the values submitted, or the outcome pressed.
Start process PROCESS_STARTED This event is sent from the process runtime and provides information about the process definition and the process instance created.