SEARCH_DOCUMENTS - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The SEARCH_DOCUMENTS action is used to create a document within the Nuxeo repository.

The input parameters for SEARCH_DOCUMENTS are:

Parameter Type Required Description
currentPageIndex Integer Optional The selected page index.
namedParams JSON Optional Named parameters to be used in the query.
pageProvider String Optional Page provider to use in the search, mutually exclusive with searchQuery.
pageSize Integer Optional The number of documents per page.
queryParams Array<string> Optional Ordered parameters to be used in the query.
searchQuery String Optional The NXQL query to search for documents, mutually exclusive with pageProvider.
sortBy String Optional Property to sort by.
sortOrder String Optional The sort order.

The output parameters from SEARCH_DOCUMENTS are:

Parameter Type Required Description
searchDocumentsResult Array<JSON> Optional Array of JSON items representing the found Nuxeo documents.
searchDocumentsPaginationInfo JSON Optional Information on pagination of documents within the results, such as the number of results or the page size.