Textract Errors - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The possible errors that can be handled by the Textract connector are:

Error Description
MISSING_INPUT A mandatory input variable was not provided.
INVALID_INPUT The input variable has an invalid type.
INVALID_RESULT_FORMAT The REST service result payload cannot be parsed.
PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT_EXCEEDED The number of requests exceeded your throughput limit.
ACCESS_DENIED The user is not authorized to perform the action.
IMAGE_TOO_LARGE The input image size exceeds the allowed limit.
INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT The provided image format is not supported.
LIMIT_EXCEEDED The service limit was exceeded.
THROTTLING_ERROR The service is temporarily unable to process the request.
UNKNOWN_ERROR Unexpected runtime error.
BAD_REQUEST The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
UNAUTHORIZED The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication.
FORBIDDEN The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
NOT_FOUND The server could not find what was requested.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED The request method is known by the server but is not supported.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE The server cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT The server would like to shut down this unused connection.
CONFLICT The request conflicts with current state of the server.
GONE No longer available.
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.
LOCKED The resource that is being accessed is locked.
FAILED_DEPENDENCY The request failed due to failure of a previous request.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR The server has encountered a situation it doesn’t know how to handle.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED The request method is not supported by the server and cannot be handled.
BAD_GATEWAY The server got an invalid response.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE The server is not ready to handle the request.
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT The server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time.