Configuration Parameters - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The configuration parameters for the Salesforce connector are:

Parameter Required Description
SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID Required The ID of your Salesforce account. When viewing your application in the Salesforce App Manager, this is called the Consumer Key.
SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET Required The secret associated to your Salesforce account. When viewing your application in the Salesforce App Manager, this is called the Consumer Secret.
SALESFORCE_USERNAME Required The user that the connector will use to interact with Salesforce
SALESFORCE_PASSWORD Required The password for the user that will interact with Salesforce
SALESFORCE_SECURITY_TOKEN Optional The security token for the user that will interact with Salesforce. To obtain this token, log into Salesforce as the user and navigate to Settings > My Personal Information.
Note: Salesforce allows IP addresses to be whitelisted. If your IP address was whitelisted, the token can be ignored. However, if your IP address was not whitelisted, the token is required and must be appended to the SALESFORCE_PASSWORD field.
SALESFORCE_URL_LOGIN Required The URL for logging in to Salesforce, for example:
SALESFORCE_SOAP_URL_LOGIN Required The URL for SOAP requests, for example:
SALESFORCE_VERSION Required The version of Salesforce, for example: 45.0