Elements in the diagram are used to model processes and include other models created within a project into a process definition.
To add an element:
- Sign in to the Modeling Application and open the project you want to work with.
Select the process that you want to change.
The process is displayed in the default Diagram Editor.
From the toolbox on the left, select an element. You can choose from:
- Create start event, see Start Events
- Create end event, see End Events
- Create indermediate throw event, see Intermediate Events
- Create gateway, see Gateways
- Create user task, see User Task
- Create service task, see Service Task
- Create call activity, see Call Activity
- Create sub-process, see Event Sub-Processes
- Create pool, see Pools and Lanes
- Connectors, see Creating Standard Connectors
- Generate Document task, see Generate Document Task
- Send Email task, see Send Email Task
- Create business rule task, see Business Rule Task
- Create script task, see Script Task
- Create content task, see Create Content Task
- Drag and drop the element into the diagram.
- Click on the element to edit its properties.
- Click Save (the cloud icon at the top bar of the pane) to save the diagram.