Rekognition - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The LABEL action is used by the Rekognition connector to execute Amazon Rekognition services to identify and label the objects in JPEG and PNG files that are less than 15mb in size.

The Amazon Rekognition API that is called is the Detect Labels API.

Files between 5mb and 15mb are uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket before processing. The IAM user configured to run the Rekognition service requires:

  • Access to this bucket
  • Access to the Rekognition service itself
  • Permission to rekognition:DetectLabels

The authentication for the Rekognition connector is set using the configuration parameters. For more details, see Rekognition Configuration Parameters.

The input parameters of the Rekognition connector are:

Parameter Type Required Description
file Content Required A variable of type file to send for analysis.
mediaType String Optional The media type of the file to be analyzed, for example: /octect-stream
maxLabels Integer Optional The maximum number of labels to be return. The default value is 10.
confidenceLevel String Optional The level of confidence (0 – 10) to use in the analysis, for example: 0.75
timeout Integer Optional The timeout period for calling the Rekognition service in milliseconds, for example: 910000

The output parameters from the Rekognition analysis are:

Parameter Type Required Description
awsResponse JSON Optional The result of the analysis from the Rekognition service.
labels JSON Optional The result object containing the labels detected.