Declared Variables - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Declared variables are used within the script itself and can be set to the value of a script variable by using the prefix variables. to reference the script variable. An input variable will set a declared variable to the value of a script variable when the script is executed.

For example, in a process the script variables cost and orders will have their values set from process variables. The declared variables costOfItem and numberOfOrders can then be set to these values using the following:

let costOfItem = variables.cost;
let numberOfOrders = variables.orders;

The value of the script variable totalCost will then be set after the script has executed by using the following:

variables.totalCost = costOfItem * numberOfOrders;

The value of the script variable totalCost can finally be sent back to the process by mapping it to a process variable.