Creating and Editing Messages - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Messages are used by message catching events and message throwing events to send a message and optional payload between BPMN elements. They can be created and managed at the individual message event level, or at a diagram level. Unlike process variables, messages can be shared between process definitions in the same diagram.

To manage all messages in a diagram:

  1. Select Edit Messages against the correct process definition:
    • if there is just one process definition, make sure no BPMN element is selected by clicking on a blank section of the canvas and the Edit Messages button will be visible in the right-hand properties panel.
    • if the diagram contains more than one process definition, click on the individual pool to see the Edit Messages button.
    The Process Messages window is displayed.
  2. To add a new message, click the + icon.
    The message is added as a new row.
  3. Click on the message to see its properties. You can change its ID and Name.
  4. To remove a message, click the trash can icon.
  5. Once editing is done, click Save.
You are brought back to the process diagram.