Creating Tasks - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Tasks are created as BPMN elements by dragging them into a process definition from the palette.

To create a task:

  1. Sign in to the Modeling Application and open a project and process.
  2. Select the task button in the tool palette. The following tasks are available: User Task, Service Task, Business Rule Task, Call Activity, Generate Document Task, Send Email Task, Content Task. Each of these tasks has a different button assigned to it.
  3. In case of Content Task, select particular action when prompted.
  4. Drag the connector onto the diagram canvas.
    When dropped, the connector is selected and its properties are displayed in the Properties pane on the right.
  5. Fill in the properties in the Properties pane:
    Property Required Description
    ID Required Identifier of the connector. It is given automatically by the Modeling application.
    Name Optional Optional name of the connector. When entered, it is displayed in the connector rectangle within the process diagram.
    Documentation Optional Description of the connector that can be useful for people working on the process.
    Multi Instance Type Required Option allowing to repeat the element within the process. For more information, see Multi-instance. The default setting is None.
    Implementation Required Name of the instance selected or given when creating the connector.
    Action Required Action that the connector will perform in the process. For more information, search for the connector you would like to add in this documentation.

    The tasks are granted as repository administrators by default, so they can access all files and folders in the repository.

  6. Once the action is selected, select the Mapping type from the drop-down menu. For more information, see Mapping Process Variables.
  7. To save the task, click the Save process button at the top of the pane.