Errors - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Connectors have a set of errors defined in their configuration. These errors are thrown when the error occurs in the execution of a connector action and can be caught by error boundary events or error start events. This allows connector errors to be handled as business errors.

When an error boundary event is attached to a service task that contains a connector, a list of errors that can be thrown by that connector can be selected as the error to catch. Error start events will see a list of errors from the connectors in the project.

The properties of errors are:

Property Required Description
Name Required The name of the error, for example: INVALID_INPUT
Description Optional A free text description of the parameter's purpose, for example: An input variable had an invalid type.
Code Required The error code that will be caught by an error boundary or error start event, for example: INVALID_INPUT

An example of the JSON for the email service INVALID_INPUT error is:

    "errors": [
            "name": "INVALID_INPUT",
            "description": "The input variable has an invalid type",
            "code": "INVALID_INPUT"