Configuration Parameters - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Configuration parameters are the environment variables specific to each connector instance. Environment variables refer to the configuration settings for a connector, for example the instance of Slack to create a channel in or the SMTP server to use to send emails from.

Multiple instances of the same connector within a project are only required if different configuration parameters are going to be set for the connector tasks used in the process.

The properties of configuration parameters are:

Property Required Description
Name Required The name of the parameter, for example: SLACK_XOXB
Description Optional A free text description of what the parameter is for. For example: The Slack bot user token
Required Required Determines whether the parameter requires a value when being used, for example: true
Secure Optional Indicates a sensitive property. Properties that are set as secure cannot have their information entered in the Modeling Application and must be entered during deployment to avoid storing them as plain text in the user interface and database.
Value Optional An optional default value for the parameter. This can be overridden at deployment time, for example: xoxb-

The Value field for configuration parameters can be filled out during modeling or when the project is deployment. Even if properties are entered whilst modeling, they can still be overridden at deployment.


Properties marked as Secure shouldn’t have their values entered whilst modeling.

An example of the JSON for the Slack connector MESSAGE_RECEIVED configuration parameters is:

    "config": [
            "name": "SLACK_XOXB",
            "description": "Slack bot user token",
            "value": "",
            "required": true

            "name": "SLACK_XOXP",
            "description": "Slack admin user token",
            "value": "",
            "required": true