SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

The SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE action is used by the DocuSign connector to request a digital signature on a document.

The input parameters for SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE are:

Parameter Type Required Description
file Content Required A variable of type file containing the document to be signed.
documentId Integer Optional Correlation ID to send to the DocuSign API, for example: 250
nodeFormat String Optional The format of the document to be signed. Values are pdf or docx.
outputFileName String Optional The name of the file that will be created, for example: invoice.pdf
recipientEmail String Required The email address of the signer when the document is going to be signed by only one signer.
Note: The recipientEmail and signers fields are mutually exclusive. If both are filled in, the signers value is ignored.
recipientName String Optional The name of the signer (the email recipient), when the document is going to be signed by only one signer.
emailSubject String Optional The subject line of the email sent with the document to sign.
signHerePage String Optional The page number in the document the Sign Here box will appear on, when the document is going to be signed by only one signer, for example: 3
signHereAnchor String Optional A string that appears inside the document that will be used to place the signing area. If this value is set signHereX and signHereY will be ignored.
signHereX String Optional The X position of the Sign Here box in the document, when the document is going to be signed by only one signer, for example: 100
signHereY String Optional The Y position of the Sign Here box in the document, when the document is going to be signed by only one signer, for example: 50
timeout Integer Optional The timeout period to wait for the document to be signed in milliseconds, for example: 910000
signers JSON Optional The list of signers (including email, name, sign here page, sign here tab label, position X and position Y) when the document is going to be signed by more than one signer.
Note: The recipientEmailand signers fields are mutually exclusive. If both are filled in, the signers value is ignored.
allowMarkup Boolean Optional Allow recipients to make changes to your documents by covering up existing text and replacing it with new text (markup). Recipients can decide to use a special markup text field which they can place anywhere on the document. It can be scaled and optionally filled in. All changes must be reviewed and approved by all signers.
metadata JSON Optional Metadata for the document.

The connector can only receive either signers or recipientEmail but not both at the same time.

The output parameters from SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE are:

Parameter Type Description
envelopeId String Envelope ID of the document
status String Status of the envelope
URI String URI related to the envelope
docusignOutput JSON DocuSign output after sending the document for signature