Adding Permissions to a Create Content Task - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

You can manage permissions granted to user, groups, or everyone using the application when using the Create Content task in the process. The rights can be set when creating the task or edited later. They provide a granular level of management, where you can manage even what a single user can do.

To add permissions to the task:

  1. Open an existing process with the Create Content task or create new one, see Creating Processes.
  2. Select the Create Content task in the process diagram.
    The Properties pane is displayed on the right.
  3. Find the Input mapping section and the permissions parameter in it.
  4. Click the pencil button next to the permissions.
    The Edit variable mapping dialog box is displayed.
  5. In the section on the right, select the Value tab.
    You can use the following settings:
    Setting Description
    user, group, everyone Select one of these settings to define for whom the permissions are defined. When a user or a groupare selected, you can start typing to find the particular entity that you want to manage. When selecting everyone, the permissions are granted to everyone automatically.
    Action Select whether you want to grant or remove a permission.
    permission Select one of the following permissions: read, write, delete, everything.
  6. Select Save to the list.
  7. You can add further permissions to manage the access better.
  8. Once you are done, select Update to save the permissions.
After saving and deploying the updated process, the Create Content task will be available according to the defined permission list.