Creating and Editing Process Variables - Hyland Automate Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Automate Modeling

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Automate Modeling

Process variables are used to store values and pass them between BPMN elements throughout a process instance. For example, values entered into a form as part of a user task can be sent to process variables in the process, which in turn can send those values to a decision table to evaluate and choose the direction the process should take.

The scope of process variables is restricted to a process definition and not to the diagram it is created in, which is important to consider when using multiple pools.

To create a process variable:

  1. Select the project and process for which to create a process variable.
  2. Select Edit Process Variables against the correct process definition:
    • If the diagram contains only one process definition, make sure no BPMN element is selected by clicking on a blank section of the canvas and the Edit Process Variables button will be visible in the right-hand properties panel.

    • If the diagram contains more than one process definition, click on the individual pools to view the Edit Process Variables button for each definition.

  3. Click Create process variable.
  4. Enter the Variable name. The name must be unique and can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores but must begin with a letter

    There are four process variable names that are created automatically and should not be used as custom process variable names. nrOfInstances, nrOfActiveInstances, nrOfCompletedInstances and loopCounter are used by multi-instance elements.

  5. Select the Variable type from the drop-down menu.
    The following variable types are available:
    Type Description
    String A sequence of characters, for example: #Mint-Ice-Cream-4!
    Integer A positive whole number, for example: 642
    Boolean A value of either true or false

    A specific date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example: 2020-04-22

    You can also select Today from the Value column, which will take the form ${now()} in the Expression column.

    Datetime A specific date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, for example: 2020-09-10 22:30:00.
    File A file uploaded into a process definition or as part of a process instance or task.
    JSON A JSON object, for example: {"flavor" : "caramel"}
    Folder A folder object described as JSON, for example: "name": "mint-folder"
    Array A comma separated list of entries, such as mint, strawberry, vanilla, which is formatted to ["mint","strawberry","vanilla"]
  6. Select any additional options in the Options section.

    If you want the variable to be required, click the checkbox next to the Required field.

    If you want the variable to be available in the Processes and Tasks lists of the Workspace, click Yes below Available in the web application, and enter a display name. After it is added to the Experience Workspace, you can select the new column by accessing the three dots on the top right. <>

    Note: The details of any process variables can be viewed in the properties section of the extensions editor, for example:
        "properties": {
            "17aa41f7-9a0c-49c0-805b-045243f8a7e5": {
                "id": "17aa41f7-9a0c-49c0-805b-045243f8a7e5",
                "name": "firstName",
                "type": "string",
                "required": false,
  7. Enter a value under the Default value section. Use the + icon to add multiple values.
  8. Once the settings are finished, click Save to save the variable, or Save and add new to open an empty Create variable window.
Variables can be later mapped to particular BPMN elements of the process. To learn more, see Mapping Process Variables.