The possible errors that can be handled by the Slack connector are:
Error | Description |
MISSING_INPUT | A mandatory input variable was not provided. |
INVALID_INPUT | The input variable has an invalid type. |
INVALID_RESULT_FORMAT | The REST service result payload cannot be parsed. |
USER_NOT_FOUND | User is not found. |
CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND | Channel is not found. |
INVALID_REQUEST | A null response is received while sending message. |
INVALID_CHANNEL | There is a problem with the channel. |
MSG_TOO_LONG | Message text is too long. |
FATAL_ERROR | The server could not complete the operation without encountering a catastrophic error. |
UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unexpected runtime error. |
UNAUTHORIZED | The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication. |
FORBIDDEN | The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT | The server would like to shut down this unused connection. |