Creating a Document - Hyland Content REST API - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Content REST API

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Content REST API

Once you have acquired and used an access token (see Getting Started), you can start creating documents in the Hyland Content repository and assigning access privileges to them.

Note: This tutorial makes calls to Document API endpoints. For full reference information on all available Document API endpoints, see Document.

To create a document:

  1. Open Command Prompt or Terminal.
  2. Enter the following request to create a new document at the root level of the repository:
    curl -i -X POST [base_url]/api/documents/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" \
      -H "User-Agent: [product]/[version]" \  
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d "{\"sys_primaryType\": \"SysFile\", \"sys_title\": \"My File\"}"

    where the placeholders represent the following:

    Placeholder Description
    [base_url] The URL of the Hyland Content repository
    [access_token] The access token you retrieved when you completed authentication
    [product] The name of the software you are using to make the request
    [version] The numbered version of the software

    A response that includes the structure of your newly created document is displayed, as shown in the following example:

      "sys_id": "63a5f989-9ce8-4605-8c3a-0697084b9453",
      "sys_isCheckedIn": false,
      "sys_isLatestMajorVersion": false,
      "sys_isLatestVersion": false,
      "sys_isProxy": false,
      "sys_isTrashed": false,
      "sys_isVersion": false,
      "sys_mixinTypes": [
      "sys_name": "My File",
      "sys_parentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "sys_path": "/My File",
      "sys_primaryType": "File",
      "sys_repository": "default",
      "sys_title": "My File",
      "sys_versionLabel": "0.0",
      "sys_contributors": [
      "sys_created": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "sys_creator": "d857a535-df7c-49da-aec3-e26ad728594d",
      "sys_lastContributor": "d857a535-df7c-49da-aec3-e26ad728594d",
      "sys_modified": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "sys_title": "My File"
  3. To modify the new document's ACL, use the document's ID as you enter a request similar to the following example:
    curl -i -X PUT [base_url]/api/documents/[sys_id] \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" \
      -H "User-Agent: [product]/[version]" \  
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d "{\"sys_acl\": [{\"user\": {\"username\": \"anothertestuser\", \"id\": \"[anothertestuser_id]\"}, \"permission\": \"Read\", \"granted\": true, \"creator\": \"testuser\", \"begin\": \"2022-01-01T00:00:00Z\", \"end\": \"2023-01-01T00:00:00Z\"}]}"

    where [sys_id] is the ID of the document you created in step 2 and [anothertestuser_id] is a unique string ID you can specify for a user as you grant them access privileges.

    A response similar to the one in step 2 is displayed, only this new response includes ACL-related properties, such as sys_acl and sys_effectiveAcl:

          "begin": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "creator": "testuser",
          "end": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "granted": true,
          "permission": "Read",
          "principal": {
            "user": {
              "id": "anothertestuser",
              "username": "anothertestuser"
          "status": "EFFECTIVE"
      "sys_effectiveAcl": [
          "begin": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "creator": "testuser",
          "end": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "granted": true,
          "permission": "Read",
          "principal": {
            "user": {
              "id": "anothertestuser",
              "username": "anothertestuser"
          "status": "EFFECTIVE"
      "sys_id": "63a5f989-9ce8-4605-8c3a-0697084b9453",

    For more information on the response body elements shown in these examples, see Document.