Start the Specified Bulk Import Job - Hyland Content REST API - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Content REST API

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Content REST API

Starts the specified job for bulk ingesting documents into the repository.

Base Request

PUT /api/import/job/[jobId]/start

where [jobId] is the alphanumeric ID for the bulk import job.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Notes
dryRun True/false indicator of only validating job details without applying them. Boolean Optional Default is false.


Header Name Description Required Values
Authorization The access token Required Bearer [access_token]

where [access_token] is a string generated when you complete authentication (see Getting Started)

User-Agent Identity of the client making the request to the server Required [product]/[version]

where [product] is the name of the software you are using to make the request and [version] is the numbered version of the software (for example, MyCompanyProduct/1.0).

For information on other types of values commonly included in user-agent request headers, see the User-Agent HTTP header reference section on the Mozilla developer documentation website.

HXCS-REPOSITORY The repository ID Optional Any contributed repository name. Default is default.
Accept The format of the data to be returned Optional application/vnd.hxcs.v1+json

Sample Request

PUT /api/import/job/[jobId]/start?dryRun=true

Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
User-Agent: MyCompanyProduct/1.0
Accept: application/vnd.hxcs.v1+json


See Bulk Import for response body details and a sample response.

Status Codes and Errors

The following table lists the returned status codes.

Code Description Notes
200 OK Starts the specified job for bulk ingesting documents into the repository.
400 Bad Request The server could not process the request due to invalid details for the bulk import job .
401 Not Authorized Authentication has failed or was not provided.
403 Not Allowed Access permissions are invalid or missing.