The following objects are used in multiple endpoints within the Bulk Import API.
Response Body
Element | Description | Type | Notes |
jobId | Alphanumeric ID for the bulk import job. | string | This value may be included as a path parameter in the request. |
name | The name of the bulk import job. | string | None |
description | Description of the bulk import job. | string | An empty value is allowed. |
creator | Alphanumeric ID for the user who created the job. | string | None |
status | The current status of the bulk import job. | string | Any of the following values may be displayed:
createdAt | The date and time at which the job was created. | date | In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z). |
startedAt | The date and time at which the job started bulk ingesting documents. | date | In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z). |
completedAt | The date and time at which the job completed bulk ingesting documents. | date | In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z). |
queue | The name of the queue that is being used to process bulk import jobs. | string | None |
unique_key | Unique, alphanumeric key used to identify the job. | string | This value can be used to identify any duplicate jobs. |
importedDocuments | The number of documents that were imported into the repository without errors. | integer | None |
totalDocuments | The total number of documents that were imported into the repository (with or without errors). | integer | None |
failedDocuments | The number of documents that were imported into the repository with errors. | integer | None |
bucket | The URI of the Amazon S3 bucket that is being used to process files and metadata for the job. | string | None |
dryRun | True/false indicator of only validating job details without applying them. | Boolean | This value may be included as a query parameter in the request. |
aws_access_key_id | Alphanumeric ID for the AWS access key. | string | None |
aws_secret_access_key | Alphanumeric secret generated for AWS access. | string | None |
aws_session_token | The token generated for the AWS session. | string | None |
Sample Response
{ "jobId": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "creator": "string", "status": "string", "createdAt": "2024-02-13T14:30:39+0000", "startedAt": "2024-02-13T15:30:39+0000", "completedAt": "2024-02-13T15:46:43+0000", "queue": "string", "unique_key": "string", "importedDocuments": 0, "totalDocuments": 0, "failedDocuments": 0, "bucket": "string", "dryRun": true, "aws_access_key_id": "string", "aws_secret_access_key": "string", "aws_session_token": "string" }