Bulk Import - Hyland Content REST API - Current - Current - Ready - Content Innovation Cloud - external

Hyland Content REST API

Content Innovation Cloud
Hyland Content REST API

The following objects are used in multiple endpoints within the Bulk Import API.

Response Body

Element Description Type Notes
jobId Alphanumeric ID for the bulk import job. string This value may be included as a path parameter in the request.
name The name of the bulk import job. string None
description Description of the bulk import job. string An empty value is allowed.
creator Alphanumeric ID for the user who created the job. string None
status The current status of the bulk import job. string Any of the following values may be displayed:
  • CREATED: The job is created.
  • VALID: The job is valid after the start command is executed, and the job will transition to RUNNING.
  • INVALID: The job is not valid, and it could not be started.
  • QUEUED: The job is waiting to be processed in the given queue.
  • RUNNING: The job is valid and running after the start command is executed.
  • COMPLETED: The job has finished running (with or without errors).
  • FAILED: The job, even if valid, failed to finish running.
createdAt The date and time at which the job was created. date In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z).
startedAt The date and time at which the job started bulk ingesting documents. date In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z).
completedAt The date and time at which the job completed bulk ingesting documents. date In ISO 8601 format (for example, 2024-03-15T12:30:05Z).
queue The name of the queue that is being used to process bulk import jobs. string None
unique_key Unique, alphanumeric key used to identify the job. string This value can be used to identify any duplicate jobs.
importedDocuments The number of documents that were imported into the repository without errors. integer None
totalDocuments The total number of documents that were imported into the repository (with or without errors). integer None
failedDocuments The number of documents that were imported into the repository with errors. integer None
bucket The URI of the Amazon S3 bucket that is being used to process files and metadata for the job. string None
dryRun True/false indicator of only validating job details without applying them. Boolean This value may be included as a query parameter in the request.
aws_access_key_id Alphanumeric ID for the AWS access key. string None
aws_secret_access_key Alphanumeric secret generated for AWS access. string None
aws_session_token The token generated for the AWS session. string None

Sample Response

  "jobId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "creator": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "createdAt": "2024-02-13T14:30:39+0000",
  "startedAt": "2024-02-13T15:30:39+0000",
  "completedAt": "2024-02-13T15:46:43+0000",
  "queue": "string",
  "unique_key": "string",
  "importedDocuments": 0,
  "totalDocuments": 0,
  "failedDocuments": 0,
  "bucket": "string",
  "dryRun": true,
  "aws_access_key_id": "string",
  "aws_secret_access_key": "string",
  "aws_session_token": "string"