Hyland Experience Metadata for SAML Identity Providers - Administration Portal - Current - Current - Ready - Hyland Experience - external

Hyland Experience Administration Portal

Hyland Experience
Administration Portal

After adding an external identity provider to Hyland Experience, you must add Hyland Experience to the external identity provider as a service provider (SP). The following table provides the SP metadata required for external identity providers to work with Hyland Experience. The names used for SP metadata may vary depending on the external identity provider.

Detailed instructions on how to configure an external identity provider to authenticate and return valid tokens for use with Hyland Experience are beyond the scope of this documentation. Detailed instructions for configuring the external identity provider are available from the developer of the software being used.

Note: In the following endpoint URLs, the [provider-id] is a 36-character value that identifies the identity provider within Hyland Experience. To determine the [provider-id] for the identity provider, use the Administration Portal to access the settings page for the identity provider as described under Modifying an Identity Provider. When you access this page, the browser address bar displays the [provider-id] value immediately following the /identity-providers/ segment of the URL.
Setting URL
SP Entity ID

Also called the Audience URI, the Entity ID has the following format:

Sign-On URL

The sign-on URL for Hyland Experience matches the Entity ID. Not all identity providers require a sign-on URL.

Metadata URL

The metadata URL has the following format:

Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL

Also called the reply URL, the ACS URL has the following format:
