Account Lockout Policy - Administration Portal - Current - Current - Ready - Hyland Experience - external

Hyland Experience Administration Portal

Hyland Experience
Administration Portal

Hyland Experience enforces the following account lockout policy as protection against brute-force logins:

  • Failure to enter the correct password five times in a row will result in the user account being locked.
  • The user account will remain locked for five minutes, regardless of the IP address used to attempt the login.
  • The lockout timer starts when the user account becomes locked.
  • Consecutive failures are counted over an indefinite period. For example, if a user enters the wrong password four times in a row and the user's fifth password attempt fails, the user account will be locked regardless of how much time elapsed between the fourth and fifth attempt.
  • Neither entering the correct password nor resetting the password will unlock the user account early. If necessary, an account administrator can manually unlock the user account early using the Administration Portal.
  • The parameters of this policy are subject to change at Hyland's discretion.