Events - Studio Modeling - Current - Current - Ready - Hyland Experience - external

Hyland Experience Studio Modeling

Hyland Experience
Studio Modeling

The DocuSign connector produces events when the DocuSign envelope changes its status, the events are:

  • ENVELOPE_VOIDED - The envelope has been voided by the sender or has expired. The void reason indicates whether the envelope was manually voided or expired.
  • ENVELOPE_DECLINED - The envelope has been declined by one of the recipients.
  • ENVELOPE_COMPLETED - The envelope has been completed by all of the recipients.
  • ENVELOPE_DELIVERED - This event is sent when all recipients have opened the envelope through the DocuSign signing website. This does not signify an email delivery of an envelope.
  • ENVELOPE_SENT - This event is sent when the email notification, with a link to the envelope, is sent to at least one recipient or when it is a recipient’s turn to sign during embedded signing. The envelope remains in this state until all recipients have viewed the envelope.
Note: These events can be consumed by the process using Triggers. For example, a BPMN catch message event inside a process can be waiting for a trigger event that is set to ENVELOPE_DECLINED, and a trigger action set to throw a BPMN message.

For more on events see Webhook event triggers.

When a Hyland Experience Studio Modeling process is instantiated this way, the following variables are populated:

Property Type Description
envelopeId String Envelope ID of the document.
documents Array Documents related to the envelope and data related to them like uri, and id.