Basic properties
The basic properties for an error start event are:
Property | Required | Description |
ID | Required | The unique identifier for the error start event. This is system generated and cannot be altered, for example: StartEvent_1w29b3h |
Name | Optional | The name of the error start event. This will be displayed on the canvas. |
Documentation | Optional | A free text description of what the error start event does. |
Form name
An optional form can be used to begin a process. The form must exist within the same project as the process definition to be selected. Select a form from the drop-down list, or create a new form using the + symbol.
After a form is selected, it can be edited using the Open Form symbol.
Mapping type
The mapping type sets how data is passed between the error start event and the process. There are five options for sending this data. The default value is Send no variables.
An error needs to be defined for the error start event to catch. A previously created Error can be selected from the drop-down list in its properties, or a new one created using the + symbol. An Error name and Error code can then be set.