Copies a selected file into the destination path.
- Description: Optional text for documentation purposes.
Continue On Error: Continues the execution of the workflow even if an error occurs during the execution of the activity.
Delay Before: Delay time in milliseconds before the activity is executed. The default value is 250 milliseconds.
Delay After: Delay time in milliseconds after executing of the activity. The default value is 250 milliseconds.
Disable Log: Disables the logging functionality for this activity.
Disable Protocol: Disables the protocol functionality for this activity.
Exclude from Global Delay: Excludes this activity from the Global Delay functionality.
Timeout: Duration in milliseconds in which the activity tries to execute.
- File Path: Path of the file that is copied.
- Destination Path: Folderpath in which the file is copied.
- New FileName: Optionally specify a new filename. If not set the original filename will be used.
- Overwrite: Overwrite file if existent.