Deletes a specified row from either an Excel sheet or a table in a sheet.
Continue On Error: Continues the execution of the workflow even if an error occurs during the execution of the activity.
Delay Before: Delay time in milliseconds before the activity is executed. The default value is 250 milliseconds.
Delay After: Delay time in milliseconds after executing of the activity. The default value is 250 milliseconds.
Disable Log: Disables the logging functionality for this activity.
Disable Protocol: Disables the protocol functionality for this activity.
Exclude from Global Delay: Excludes this activity from the Global Delay functionality.
Timeout: Duration in milliseconds in which the activity tries to execute.
- Row Index: Set row to be deleted.
- Sheet Name: Set excel sheet on which the row should be deleted.
- Table Name: Optionally set the name of the table in which the row should be deleted. If set, row index counts from the first row of the defined table. Otherwise, row index counts from the first row of the sheet.