In this article we're going to explore how you can deploy a process into your environment. This tutorial includes the following steps:
- Create your client with Hyland RPA Conductor.
- Create required settings inside Hyland RPA Manager.
- Adjust your project settings with Hyland RPA Designer.
- Setup the AM Workflow Robot.
- Run the process unattended.
Create your client with Hyland RPA Conductor
The client that should run the process has to be created inside the database environment, so that the process can run unattended. To setup the Hyland RPA Conductor just simply download & install it from our customer portal.
After you finished the installation you need to connect the Hyland RPA Conductor with your environment and its also required to maintain the license key and the client identification expression. To do so just open the AM.Net.Core.Conductor.exe.config using your notepad and edit the required entries.
Your connection string:
<connectionStrings> <add name="Am.Net.Core.Data.Properties.Settings.AmConnectionString" connectionString="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>
Your Hyland RPA Conductor license key:
<appSettings> <add key="licenseKey" value="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"/> </appSettings>
Your identification expression:
<appSettings> <add key="clientIdentificationExpression" value="%COMPUTERNAME%"/> </appSetting>
For a detailed information see Hyland RPA Conductor Setup in the Hyland RPA Conductor documentation.
After you maintained the required entries you can start the Hyland RPA Conductor, it will then automatically create the client in the environment. Please check the Hyland RPA Conductor execution log which should display the following result:
30/10/2019 07:40:24 > Locating client by identification expression (based on environment variables). 30/10/2019 07:40:24 > Could not locate client by identification expression. Creating one ... 30/10/2019 07:40:31 > Created client: LAPTOP-B8C50FFB 30/10/2019 07:40:31 > Client found (ClientID: 15, IdentificationExpression: %COMPUTERNAME%, IdentificationValue: LAPTOP-B8C50FFB). 30/10/2019 07:40:31 > Locating client license by client id. 30/10/2019 07:40:31 > Created client license. 30/10/2019 07:40:31 > Saving log to 'C:\Users\CHRIST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Am.Net.Core.Conductor.log'. 30/10/2019 07:40:32 > Initializing conductor license finished. 30/10/2019 07:40:32 > Conductor license status: Valid 30/10/2019 07:40:32 > Conductor key status: Activated 30/10/2019 07:40:34 > Online activation has been successful. 30/10/2019 07:40:34 > Updated license state from 'Unlicensed' to 'Activated'. 30/10/2019 07:40:34 > License state has become valid
In case your client does not have access to the Internet an offline activation is required.
To learn how to activate a Hyland RPA Conductor license offline, see Licenses in the Hyland RPA Manager documentation.
Create required settings in Hyland RPA Manager
In this section we will explore and explain the required settings in Hyland RPA Manager (former AM Console). Before we proceed, please have a look at System Tables - Clients and make sure that your client has been created.
Setup your processor
The processor connects the workflow (.ampro) with your database environment. To create a new processor navigate to System-Tables Processor and maintain the required metadata. The important part here is the XamlFilePath property. Which is the path where your process (.ampro) has to be stored on each client. Please bookmark the created Processor Id, we will need it later on when we customize our project settings inside our workflow file.
To learn more about how you create a processor, see About Task Types.
Create a task type
The task type is required to identify which process script is running. In general our process structure includes two MainScriptRunner the DCO and the PRO. So in this step we need to setup both task types (for example, MyProcess_DCO and MyProcess_PRO). Please bookmark the created Task Type Id's , we will need the it later on when we customize our project settings inside our workflow file.
to learn more about how you create a task type, see About Task Types.
Create a task manager
To keep it simple we will create an empty task manager. So just maintain a task manager with a description and leave the fields Pre&PostLaunch script blank.
To learn more about how you can create a task manager, see Task Manager in the Hyland RPA Manager documentation.