Although the Hyland CredentialProvider does
not require any configuration, it can be modified regarding its logging. If you like to
change the logging according to your needs, you can do so by adding a file to your %WINDIR%\system32 folder. The
content of this file needs to look
log4cpp.rootCategory=DEBUG, rootRollingFileAppender, rootConsoleAppender log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender=RollingFileAppender log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.fileName=C:\AnotherMonday\Logs\CredentialProvider\LoginService.log log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.maxFileSize=2097152 log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.maxBackupIndex=4 log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.layout=PatternLayout log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%p] %m%n
The path to the log file can be changed by modifying the value of log4cpp.appender.rootRollingFileAppender.fileName. If no file is present, the logging will take place nevertheless. In such a situation one of the following folders will be used:
- %TEMP%\credentialProvider.log which is usually %WINDIR%\Temp
- C:\credentialProvider.log in case %TEMP% environment variable is not available.