Configuring the Hyland RPA Conductor Enterprise Plug-in - Conductor - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Conductor

Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2
When starting the Hyland RPA Conductor with the Enterprise Plug-in deployed correctly, an additional setting will appear in the Hyland RPA Conductor config file: LogoutMode. This LogoutMode can be set to one of the following values:
Name Description
StayLoggedIn This is the default behavior of the Hyland RPA Conductor. It will not initiate a logout, reboot, or shut down regardless of the current status.
LogoutAfterEveryTask The Hyland RPA Conductor will initiate a logout from the current windows session after every task has finished (regardless of its result).
LogoutWhenIdle The Hyland RPA Conductor will initiate a logout from the current windows session when there is no task available for being executed by the current client.
RestartWhenIdle The Hyland RPA Conductor will initiate a reboot of the system when there is no task available for being executed by the current client.
ShutdownWhenIdle The Hyland RPA Conductor will initiate a shutdown of the system when there is no task available for being executed by the current client. A common scenario for this case might be when using cloud services like AWS or MS Azure to host your clients.

Foreground and Background cycle must be in idle state to perform action defined by the LogoutMode.