In case an update is required, please follow the steps described for all the components above (of course, you don't need to re-register the windows service). Please remove already existing files at target locations before copying the new versions. As some files might be in use and cannot be overwritten, here are some hints, on how to update:
For the Hyland CredentialProvider, you might have to wait for Windows to unload it. As a workaround, you can rename the existing file (for example, to *.old) and then copy the new version. However, the new version is used only after the old CredentialProvider was unloaded, and Windows loads the new one. To enforce this, you can do a system reboot.
For the Hyland Login Service, stop the windows service Hyland RPA Login Service using the services management console (services.msc). Please wait for approximately 30 seconds for the Hyland Login Service to shut down.
To update the Hyland RPA Conductor or its Enterprise plug-in, stop it by right-clicking on the Hyland RPA Conductor in the system tray and selecting Exit in the context menu appearing.